01 February 2011

Ready for Bear to come home.

I keep thinking that someone, somewhere MUST have seen my dog (for real this time), and all I can think is, why haven't they brought him home? Or at least called me?!?

I get that he's a sweet guy, but please don't keep him to yourself because it breaks my heart. And at the same time, if someone doesn't have him, how the heck can people keep seeing him and fail to invite the sweet goober into their lives and homes? I mean really....I've had him for 7 months and I just can't say no to that face!

So all I ask is, if you see Bear, invite him into your house, your car, or your life, even if for just an hour. Just long enough to call me and for me to drive to wherever you are so that I can pick up his adventurous little butt. And if you're reading this, and you live in the general vicinity, all I want to know is, why aren't you out looking now??

The best place to look is the Merion Village, Schumacher Place, German Village, and to the East side of Parsons. He's around somewhere....supposedly spotted twice Friday and once Saturday.

Miss you Bear. Hope you miss me as much as I miss you!